Current Events & Christian Expectations
The purpose of this podcast is to seek out biblical patterns of truth to understand the events of our times. We seek to answer the overarching question: How do we do the will of God in a world where current events never stay current? For Scripture says in 1 John 2:17 that “the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” Questions and comments are welcome :

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
The Tests from God
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
In this episode, we delve into the fascinating topic of how and why God tests His people. Join us as we explore and discuss the purpose of tests in our spiritual journey. From nations to individuals (and to our own lives), this podcast provides a thoughtful examination of the trials we face and how to respond with faith and perseverance.

Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Presidential Pardons and Divine Forgiveness
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Thursday Feb 13, 2025
In this episode, we delve into the fascinating topic of presidential pardons and compare them to God's divine forgiveness. We explore God's justice and mercy as it intertwines to pardon sin. Together we will contrast the legal implications and limitations of presidential pardons as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.
Through an analysis of David's life and his profound relationship with God, we highlight the transformative power of repentance and God's unwavering mercy (despite the consequences of our actions).
Join us as we unravel the complexities of divine pardoning and find hope and spiritual growth even when faced with the repercussions of sin.

Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Does God really harden hearts?
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
In this episode, we dive into the complex topic of the "God who hardens hearts."
We address the phenomenon of God hardening hearts through Pharaoh's story and how God uses such hardening (ours or His) to demonstrate His power and mercy.
This podcast offers a deep look at the subject through the lens of divine sovereignty and our responsibility in responding to God’s call.
Send questions or comments to :

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Why Do Nations Rage?
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
In our first episode of 2025, we examine the historical and spiritual forces fueling rage, wars, and plotting among nations, reflecting on recent tensions worldwide.
We discuss how the ancient scriptures resonate today, illustrating humanity's resistance to divine rule and the ultimate authority of Jesus in both the physical and spiritual realms. This episode includes insights highlighting the chaotic state of the world as 2024 ends, with specific focus on geopolitical tensions like the Ukrainian-Russian war and conflicts in the Middle East.
Join us as we analyze the prophetic words, providing a deep understanding of their fulfillment through Jesus' resurrection and the hope of His ultimate return to establish His kingdom. We invite you to listen closely as the hosts guide you through the complexities of divine sovereignty in the midst of global unrest.

Friday Dec 13, 2024
The map of our souls (and Christmas)!
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
This episode explores the significance of physical locations in the Bible and how these align with our spiritual journeys. Here we trace the movement from the Garden of Eden in Genesis to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, examining how these geographic directions parallel our path towards spiritual enlightenment.
Join us as we unravel the symbolic meaning of moving east and west in biblical accounts, highlighting why traveling westward signifies a journey towards the presence of God. Discover the profound lessons embedded in the biblical narrative and how they continue to shape our understanding of spiritual destinations.
Embrace this unique exploration of Christmas geography at a time when the festive season draws near, and reflect on the ultimate journey not just to Bethlehem, but into the very light and presence of Christ.

Friday Dec 06, 2024
The Storms of Life
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
In this episode, we delve into the concept of life's storms, exploring both physical and spiritual challenges. The recent hurricanes on the East Coast serve as a backdrop to discuss Christian perspectives on natural disasters, including their potential as divine judgments.
This episode also considers the value of community support, highlighting biblical stories of strangers and friends who provide during crises. The inspiring song "It Is Well With My Soul," born out of personal tragedy, exemplifies finding solace and faith amidst adversity. We conclude by reinforcing the assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Monday Nov 04, 2024
Regime Changes : Jesus and the Kingdom
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
With the backdrop of an upcoming election, we delve into the concept of regime change and its transient nature in our world. Guided by the Holy Scriptures, we explore God's purpose in establishing nations and the permanence of Christ's kingdom.
Join us as we discuss historical regime changes, from Babylon to Rome, and how they serve God's plan. Through this lens, we examine the ultimate regime change brought by Jesus, a kingdom that transcends earthly politics.
Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 US Presidential election, embrace the Christian expectation that places faith in the unshakable kingdom initiated by Christ, and live with gratitude for a future secured by His return.

Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Can One Person Change the World?
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Can one person change the world? Anchored in the scriptures, we begin with insights from John 2:23-25 and explore a variety of biblical passages that shed light on this compelling inquiry.
Join us as we examine the nature of the world described in the Bible, particularly through the eyes of Jesus. We discuss the current state of the world, its inherent tribulations, and how history's great figures, like Alexander the Great and Ronald Reagan, have impacted but not fundamentally changed the world as depicted in scripture.
Through scriptural references, we explore the transformative power of the gospel on individuals and the ultimate renewal of the world upon Jesus' return. We address the persistent evil of the present age, the hope for believers, and the promise of a new world where righteousness dwells.
Engage with us as we navigate through the complexities of faith, the inevitability of tribulations, and the unwavering Christian expectation of a world changed not by human hands but by the return of Christ. Join the conversation and consider the power of one person—Jesus—in transforming the world as we know it.

Why the Bible matters...
The apostle John begins his gospel by declaring, “In the beginning was the Word..."
Everything God does begins with His Word. Sometimes it’s a new word that aligns with His revelation in Scripture, and sometimes it is a reminder of His already established Word. But we can be sure that if God is doing something, it will begin with His Word.
It is about reading and comprehending - listening and talking about the Scripture in your own language. People who are literate in a language can not only read in that language, but they can also communicate with others. Raising up biblically literate people means we share and compare our biblical understanding with others in and outside our community of faith. We learn faster and more accurately in community.
If you are learning a new language, the ultimate marker that you are fully fluent is the ability to think and plan your life in that language. We must allow Scripture to transform our minds (Romans 12:2). Once the Bible changes our thinking so that we plan and react according to what God’s Word reveals, we will live a transformed life.